Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Kingdom of Grace

Kingdom of Grace is a favorite with most audiences. Whether I'm singing at a prison or church it's a song everyone can relate to. You can't breath and not struggle with what Kingdom your life is a part of. It's one of my meat and potato songs. Sometimes a song like this is hard for people to listen to because it convicts them. If that's the case then the song is doing it's job. Again Chris Brekke's lead guitar work was just right for this song.

Verse One

Kingdoms will rise and kingdoms will fall, but
I know a kingdom that will out last them all.
There are Kingdoms with peasants and kingdoms with gold.
Kingdoms just starting and kingdoms of old.
Kingdoms of deception all over the place, but
There’s only one true kingdom that’s the Kingdom of Grace.
I belong to the Kingdom of Grace, were everyone is a rich man.
I belong to the Kingdom of Grace, my King is Righteous and True.
I belong to the Kingdom of Grace, I’m a chosen heir to the King.
I belong to the Kingdom of Grace, where Jesus is King of everything.
Verse Two
There are kingdoms of Addiction where your king for a price.
Kingdoms of seduction where all men become mice.
There are kingdoms of seclusion where fantasy rules.
Kingdoms with wise men and kingdoms of fools.
Kingdoms where everyone is always running a race, but
There’s only one True Kingdom that’s the Kingdom of Grace.

Copyrighted & Published 2000 by Corelli's Music Box, BMI

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I was there

"I was there" was originally written in the 80's and like a lot of songs it took awhile to finally be recorded. The last verse regarding a princess dieing is about Princess Diana. But, when I first wrote the song it was "when Kennedy was killed, they say to soon."

I wrote this song because at the time the theory of evolution was becoming more and more excepted. When I was in college I took a course in Human Anthropology to learn more about man's quest for turning from God and accepting that he came from oooz. I expected the professor to stand there and declare with absolute conviction that man evolved and that there was proof. However, to my astonishment she was most adamant to make it clear that there was no proof and that evolution was still a theory.

There is no where, it seems, that evolutionists haven't been able to get their THEORY into the main stream of news reports, television shows, commercials, books, you name it and make to appear to be an established fact. But, no it's still a theory and only a theory and to this day there is still no proof that the Earth and everything on it evolved.

So, I wrote this song with the idea that God was telling us that he's always been there for us to turn to, since He created everything. But we, humanity, continually turn to other things and away from God to explain our existence. We think ourselves too smart to believe in God. Mankind simply cannot accept God sending his Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins also.

I Was There

Verse 1

I was there when you where a baby.
I was there when you took your first step.
I was there when you spoke your first word.
For I'm the one who made the Heavens and the Earth.


But all the time man has still turned away.
Thinking he's better left alone.
He won't open up and admit he is wrong.
He'd rather believe he came from the sea, than from me.

Verse 2

I was there when man took his first breath.
I was there when the world had its first death.
I was there when Noah became a sailor.
And I was there at the parting of the Red Sea, that was me.

Verse 3

I was there when man first flew in the sky.
I was there when Einstein first wondered why.
I was there when man stepped on the moon.
And I was there when a princess died, they say to soon.

copyrighted & Published 1991 Corelli's Music Box, BMI
Words & Music by Jerry Corelli