Kingdom of Grace is a favorite with most audiences. Whether I'm singing at a prison or church it's a song everyone can relate to. You can't breath and not struggle with what Kingdom your life is a part of. It's one of my meat and potato songs. Sometimes a song like this is hard for people to listen to because it convicts them. If that's the case then the song is doing it's job. Again Chris Brekke's lead guitar work was just right for this song.
Verse One
Kingdoms will rise and kingdoms will fall, but
I know a kingdom that will out last them all.
There are Kingdoms with peasants and kingdoms with gold.
Kingdoms just starting and kingdoms of old.
Kingdoms of deception all over the place, but
There’s only one true kingdom that’s the Kingdom of Grace.
I belong to the Kingdom of Grace, were everyone is a rich man.
I belong to the Kingdom of Grace, my King is Righteous and True.
I belong to the Kingdom of Grace, I’m a chosen heir to the King.
I belong to the Kingdom of Grace, where Jesus is King of everything.
There are kingdoms of Addiction where your king for a price.
Kingdoms of seduction where all men become mice.
There are kingdoms of seclusion where fantasy rules.
Kingdoms with wise men and kingdoms of fools.
Kingdoms where everyone is always running a race, but
There’s only one True Kingdom that’s the Kingdom of Grace.
Copyrighted & Published 2000 by Corelli's Music Box, BMI
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